Shifting Hadith Literature in Indonesian Pesantren from the 20th Century to the Present


  • Achmad Hasibul Ma'arif UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta


Literature, Hadith, Pesantren


The critique of hadith literature in Indonesian pesantren involves several aspects, including the methodology of hadith collection, assessment of the reliability of hadith narrators, textual research, and the social and historical context in which the traditions were narrated. This critique aims to gain a more accurate and in-depth understanding of the hadith and to prevent the spread of misunderstanding or religious extremism. Hadith literature in this discussion means all written sources containing the Hadith of the Prophet, whether in the form of books or books containing Hadith texts in Arabic or those that have been added with Indonesian translations. History records that Islam began to enter the archipelago in the 12th century. Hadith itself began to enter Indonesia in the 16th century brought by two great scholars, namely Sheikh Yasin al-Fadani and Sheikh Nuruddin al-Raniri. He was a charismatic scholar who came from the archipelago who lived for a long time in Makkah. There are many of his works in the field of hadith science. However, after the entry of hadith into Indonesia, several centuries later the study of hadith experienced a period of vacuum due to the absence of other scholars who were experts in the field of hadith science.


Abdillah, Syaikh. "The Development of Hadith Literature in Twentieth Century Indonesia." Diroyah: Journal of Hadith Studies 1, no. 1 (February 2, 2018): 69-78.

Khaeruman, Badri. "The Development of Hadith in Indonesia in the 20th Century." Diroyah: Journal of Hadith Studies 1, no. 2 (February 3, 2018): 187-202.

Majid, Abdul, and Muhammad Anshori. "The Development of Terms in Contemporary Indonesian Hadith Literature." Mashdar: Journal of Qur'anic and Hadith Studies 4, no. 1 (September 20, 2022): 35-48.



How to Cite

Hasibul Ma’arif, A. . (2023). Shifting Hadith Literature in Indonesian Pesantren from the 20th Century to the Present. Journal of Hadith Studies, 3(2). Retrieved from